Today is a quite special day coz the date is 090909. For me, the special point is not on the date. Since I won't get marry like the couples reported by news. But today is my first day to attend the workshop in culturalpractics. This lesson is quite different from the others, the venu was in the art gallery in Lingnam University main gallery. The professor Mok provided us an interactive lesson. Not only sitin the roomand seeing the slide show, but also ask us to play some game throught or voice, listening and touching. He said it can upgrad our sensation. Avoiding just hear but not listen, touch but not feel. Beside, I'm quite interesed in the relation between culture and art and also community. How could we apply the cultural studies in to our ordinary life? Mr Mok shown us an example - the JCCAC「賽馬會創意藝術中心」. That was a project plan to do some commity service or improvement in the Sham Shui Po district. (Sham Shui Po supposted to be the poorist district in HK) But do the project sucess? Is that a good way to provide community service? What is the better way to improve the sociaty by the cultural studies?
May be the answer we should raise the awareness of Art and cultural in the community.
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